OK, it looks like we are going up against Barack Hussein Obama (from here on out reffered to lovingly as "Hoos") and I pray to God and all that is holy that I am right about all presidential elections being decided in advance because if not we are truly fucked if he wins. He is so off the wall crazy that I can't even see how anybody but the most Liberal of Liberals can support him.
I won't get into how he has no experience whatsoever, that he has outlined exactly zero plans as to what he is going to do if he gets elected, or that all we (widely) know he stands for is "change", whatever change may mean. I won't get into the fact that he aligned himself with a church that is about as militant as some of the mosques I dealt with in Iraq, or that his wife, who Hoos has whored out to the media for his benefit but nobody can talk badly about, went on record as saying that she, in her adult life, has never been proud of America until now.
I won't get into any of that. What I will get into is some of what he really believes and some of the incredible tactics he uses to get a leg up.
Never before have we had such a debutant running for office. Hoos has successfully positioned himself that nobody is allowed to question the words and actions of himself, his family, or his friends, without being accused of being a racist or playing dirty politics. Never before have we seen an individual running for public office being "off-limits" to criticism, yet he slings accusations and criticism around like a monkey slings shit. No that wasn't a racial comment but it's the only animal I know of that flings shit around except the two disgusting bitches in the"two girls one cup" video.
Here is just a couple examples of the endless accusations and "butt-hurtery" that Hoos employs.
Just copy and paste the two lines, the address were too long and went off the side
Please note who this is from and the purely unbiased quote from Rob Reynolds of. Also please not how they call Hoos the "US Democratic presidential hopeful" while McCain is "The presumptive Republican candidate." Are they retarded? McCain hasn't been "presumptive" in months and last I heard Hoos still didn't have the nod. Very unbiased and oh so accurate.
More Vagisil for the distinguished gentleman from Illinois please.
I guess when you allude to somebody's actual beliefs they don't like that.
Calling him a senile old man is how you can read this one. But please don't bring up Hoos' young age or lack of experience because that would be a "deceitful attack, aimed at driving America apart."
I could go on and on but I don't have time on particular subject. Just google "Obama-accuses" and you will get 137,000 matches. GO ahead and put it in for McCain and you will get a whopping 7,740 matches. Even the siren who woos people with false promises and political manipulation the likes of which hadn't been seen out side of her husband, and now far surpassed by Hoos, only had 32,000 matches. A little side note, it seems a lot like Dems really enjoy accusing people and wallowing in how unfair the world is. Makes sense why they have the backers that they do.
On to what Hoos actually believes.
Here is an example of how truly little he knows about the world. Iran and N. Korea are apparently not threats:
And for a bit lest go to Hoos' website under the "Issues" tab.
In homeland security he talks about evacuating special needs people in the case of an attack... aaaaand... he talks about improving security around water facilities. Perhaps some more cameras will help. Aaaaand he talks about tracking spent nuclear fuel. Aaaaaand that's about it. No mention of perhaps taking out terrorists before they actually do anything, no talk of dealing with countries that fund terrorism. But I tell ya what when we get bombed again the rescue vehicles will have a wheel chair ramp.
Hoos' plan on immigration
So here he wants to add more people to the border which doesn't really help when they border patrol is too scared to do anything because the drug runners out gun them and are willing to use the guns, and ummmm, let's see, give lots of money to Mexico to make life less shitty there. Hmm, oh, crack down on employers who hire illegals, which will last until Wal-Mart and all the other huge conglomerates give him a call on the Bat-Phone and say "yeah if you like your job you need to knock that shit off."
Pay for "every ton of emissions" which we can go ahead and equate to huge price increases on pretty much everything. He wants to give tax payer money to farmers who plant trees. Very nice. Umm, 15 billion a year for 10 years for clean energy type stuff, to include bio-fuels, which, my most green of green friends said is an absolute tub of shit. Double government spending of R&D for renewable resources. See also "raise taxes". Seems to me that the private sector is best suited for that. I have a friend who works at a solar panel plant and you would be shocked at the stuff they have going. He wants to "convert our manufacturing centers into clean technology leaders" Require 25% clean energy by 2025 (please see gargantuan government) yadda yadda, it goes on.
Here is one of my favorites.
"End discrimination and promote equal opportunity." End discrimination? Is that all? And how exactly do... oh never mind.
"Obama will immediately begin to withdraw our troops from Iraq." yeah, umm, that's a really bad idea. Trust me on that one. Read the rest. It's all pretty retarded and won't work.
His whole site is full of stuff that really doesn't say much about how he plans on doing anything. He has an outline but that's about it.
The only good thing about this whole bit is that the Clintons are done in politics. Their "good friends" abandoned them like rats off a sinking ship. Michael Moore, Famed Haliburton investor, calls Hillary "down right disgusting" now where as he and Bill used to chase tail together.
And of course the black community who so loved Billy and and dubbed him the "first black president", after all, he did play sax on the Arsenio Hall Show, have taken his brother status away and have actually called the honkies from Arkansas racist. Who would have thunk it?
Anyway, running out of time so let me sum up. He wants dialog with N. Korea and Iran as if he will somehow make them see the error of their ways. He wants to raise taxes, increase the size of our government, and weaken our military, both by finances and tactics, to the point of uselessness. Not once has he actually laid out a plan as to how he plans to actually do this stuff. My guess is because they pretty much all involve raising taxes.
I will leave you with a nice little quote from Hoos yesterday.
"We can't drive our SUVs,and you know, eat as much as we want, and keep our homes on, ya know, 72 degrees at all times, whether we're living in the desert or living in the tundra, and then just expect that every other country is just gonna say OK."
Since when do Cambodians and French people determine what I drive, eat, or keep my home at? Then, by the way, his three SUV motorcade took him off to his next appointment. Will he demand to be driven around in a Prius? This is akin to Al Gore talking about wasteful emissions then taking off in his private jet. It's all a joke people. He's a snake oil salesman who is playing with our money, security, and lives. There will be celebrations in Tehran and Damascus if he wins. That's not a good thing in case you were wondering. At least Hillary knows what is out there. I truly can't find one good thing to say about him. Sorry Yah, I tried.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
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