Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It's not easy being green

OK, so I had a very interesting conversation the other night with some friends of mine and it revolved around politics in general, with an emphasis on the environment. This is how it broke down; One of the people I was talking to cared more about how we were destroying our planet than anything else in the world, and I wasn't convinced. Being that I can't really speak for them in total, I will try my best to give you their side.
Our planet is in dire peril, we are running out of fossil fuels, the ice caps are melting at an alarming rate, there is an alarming amount of CO2 in our atmosphere, our ozone layer in depleted, the "hockey stick" theory of earth's temperature (which is debunked in one of the links at the end of this blog), and we are killing off species left and right. I was also informed that a recent study came out in which 100% (that's right, 100%) of scientists agree that global warming is real.

That's not exactly what I found.

My side is as follows. Humans are incapable, outside of detonating multiple, high-yield nuclear warheads, of messing out our planet in such a short amount of time. The Earth is not some fragile little glass ball floating through the comfort of a nice, soft, downy, space blanket. We have lived through ice ages and thaws, massive catastrophic meteor hits, super-volcano eruptions nearly destroying all life on Earth (please check out the Yellowstone Caldera for more info), earthquakes, tsunamis, and all sorts of mean nasty, and might I add, natural, stuff.

I further assert that in fact the "Green" movement is nothing more than a ploy to gain power and money. Al Gore was a mediocre politician until he furthered the religion of environmentalism and picked himself up a Nobel Prize. On my way to work today I heard yet another in the series of Alstate insurance ads urging us to go with Alstate because of how "Green" they are, books are sold by the millions about the environment, auto-makers make "green cars" that really aren't nearly as green as they would have you believe (Prius ), "not-for-profit" organizations bring in hundreds of millions of dollars to save the One-Legged Tazmanian Digging Squirrel, all the while actually stopping us from making the world a better place. Let me explain.

The worse off people can make the environment sound the more money they make. Pure and simple. Greenpeace, one of the most destructive organizations towards the environment known to man, and exists solely by scaring people into giving money to their cause. They do everything they can to stop new nuclear power plants or anything else that would actually help the environment. They claim that they want to end our reliance on oil but in actuality they are trying to stop us from doing anything about it.

Case in point: They claim that nuclear power is dangerous and dirty. They lobby to stop the new construction of nuclear power plants, they send frogmen to disable nuke ships, and they continue with the rhetoric of Nuclear power is the worst form of energy. They also don't want us to use oil based fuels so pretty much they want us to ship our good over seas by wind and sail. In fact nuclear energy is the one of the cleanest forms of energy there is. It's not dangerous either, despite what the environmentalists tell you. They love to bring up Three Mile Island as a great tragedy and failure of nuclear power when in fact not one person died from it. Chernobyl is an example of what happens when a Communist country that can't afford to feed it's people puts Homer Simpson in charge of a reactor. That indeed is the only real example of any major problem in the history of nuclear power.

Much of Europe is indeed powered by nuclear energy yet in America we are continually told it is a bad thing and are prohibited from exploring it as a way to get safe and clean energy. There is another group that benefits from Greenpeace's war against nuke power and that is the oil industry. In fact when you boil it right down, almost everything Greenpeace and the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) do jives very well with the oil companies and it would not surprise me if there was money being funneled in from the oil companies to the green groups through back channels. If you drill in ANWAR all of a sudden there is more oil and the price drops. Open a nuke plant and all of a sudden the price of oil drops. Convenient eh?

My friend is convinced that if we stop using oil all will be well. In fact the economic repercussions globally would be devastating. Millions of people from oil execs, tanker sailors, truck drivers, refinery workers, and gas station attendants would be out of the job. My friend brought up a town in Vermont or someplace that started making shoes then the shoe company closed so they started making something else and were successful. To them that meant that the impact of them losing their jobs would be minimal because they would all find something else to do. This is not a town of 5000, this is a global industry of millions where many people spent years in school learning about nothing but oil. The world economy would tumble if you all of a sudden stopped using oil.

Believe me I want nothing more than to not have to use oil anymore but I don't see it happening any time soon. I have never been one to just jump willy-nilly into anything. I love protection of species and the beautiful lands we have here in America. I would love it if people would stop clear cutting the rain forests. But, trying to guilt millions of people into believing some half cocked science is not my style. Here are some resources if you are interested in learning about something other than an "inconvenient truth".

For a brief explanation of the Yellowstone Caldera and what it has done and will do again please see

Take a real look at the Prius

For a realistic view of the greenhouse effect and global warming please see




An interesting set of resources

Find out why the "hockey stick" is broken

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Rock Pile Smock Pile...

Ok, so here's the deal... the Rockies are going to the World Series and they are THE hottest tickets in town. That being said most of the people fighting it out to be one of the elect to see them play have not been to a Rockies game in the recent past, nor did they know the names of more than one or two players before this fiasco started.
Don't get me wrong. I am very excited for the rockies. I actually have gone to a few games in the past and have enjoyed myself every time (almost). I myself could only name two players before all this too. But I'm not out in LoDo hootin' and hollerin' about how much I love the Rockies and how they are "my boys... WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
Now I don't care that this sudden Rockies mania has hit Denver like a ton of bricks, but I have seen this before.
When the Avs came to town they were winning Stanley Cups left and right and Denver, which had only seen the minor-league Grizzlies many many years ago, all of a sudden became this amazing hockey town. Games were sold out, everybody was an expert (Even though I had to explain what a two-line pass was to the idiot next to me at the game who was screaming about how the refs sucked), and the jerseys could be seen on the street from infants to elderly.
Then they started to suck and there went the Jerseys. Now as most of you know I can't stand the Avs so that is all fine and dandy with me but I happen to like the Rockies and I don't want to see the same thing happen although I know it will. If the Rockies don't do well next year people will be like "Torrial-who?" and "Kaz Mats-whaty?"
But whatever. While everybody is busy wearing Rockies shirts (newly bought I might add) to work and school, I will continue to wear my normal clothes, listen to the games on the radio, and avoid LoDo at all costs on game days. And as for the day when the Rockies win the pennant will be safe in my, middle-class, white bread neighborhood while the looters, vandals, and pyromaniacs destroy downtown. It's a Colorado thing... When one of our teams wins a championship we must show our zeal by fucking up our city. What can I say?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

the smart gun

Well, apparently I missed an amazing technological advancement. Apparently not only do we have smart bombs but smart guns. Let me tell you about them.
This morning a man in Philly carried a smart gun up to two armored car guards and the gun stuck itself up underneath the guard's vest and pulled it's trigger. It then shot the other guard point blank range and a third guard who was in the truck. The guy who was with the gun then took all the money and escaped. I'll be damned. Who knew guns were so smart?
So the chief of police of course comes out and says guns are the problem. We have way too many of these guns on the street, rabble rousing and drinking gun oil by the gallon.


I've got a dick and it doesn't make me a rapist. I've got a gun too and I've never killed anybody with it. It is apparently the gun's fault that his shitty city is falling apart and crime is rampant. Who do you blame for the burglaries, rapes, and assaults? Who's fault is that Chief? You piece of shit! Just like Ray Ray Nagin blaming everybody else for his failures. I guarantee there are more guns per capita in any random Wyoming city than Philly and you don't see that kind of shit going on.
It's not the guns people. I can take a loaded gun, set it on the table pointed center mass in my chest, insult it, make fun of its mother, spit on it and that fucking thing will not shoot me. I promise. It doesn't take a gun to commit murder people, it takes a murderer. I have yet to have anybody give me a legitimate argument for gun control. You think you got one... try me.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

hugging, titties, and taxes

Well as if further evidence was needed that our society sucks, a middle school in Illinois has now banned hugging. According to the principal, Victoria Sharts (Insert Gloria Ironbox), "Hugging is really more appropriate for airports or for family reunions than passing and seeing each other every few minutes in the halls."
Gloria, excuse me, Victoria further went on to say that another pitfall of hugging is when "The hug is either unwanted or becomes inappropriate as judged by one of the students involved." So as opposed to teaching kids how to deal with uncomfortable situations and teaching them how to get themselves out of it, enter the school (insert government) to bail them out and shelter them from all evil. Don't worry sir, we only want to put cameras everywhere to keep you safe.
So now along with tobacco, guns, and drugs, we have "hug free" school zones. By God, excuse me... By the deity of your choice if you choose, there will be no hugging.
I think I have the real reason though. When one participates in the barbaric and often uncomfortable act of hugging, one must put their arms out to wrap around the other person. By doing that, even ever so briefly, their arms are out in a T-shape, thereby making a cross, so we can then postulate that hugging is a Christian thing (That we do at airports and family reunions) and being that this is a public school, we can have no mix of church and state. Make sense? Good.

As some of you may have heard, Elton john is in some hot water over a photo he owns by the famous photographer Nan Goldin that was being shown in an art gallery in England. It has two girls in it who are nude and apparently, this photo that has been published around the world, was deemed pornographic by some government peon or another, and was confiscated to see just how pornographic it is.
So as I was reading about this I found sites where people could chime in and give their thoughts. Almost 100% of the time when it was somebody from Europe posting a comment they said, "So what's the big deal" and if they were from America, land of the hug-free school zone, they said, in a nutshell, "get a rope". I have been to 14 countries now in my short life and I have seen a lot of people and cultures, and none is more repressed and sexually frustrated than the US., minus publicly in the Middle East of course but let me tell you, some of the raunchiest porn I ever saw was Iraqi porn.
Even there however you would see kids running naked in the streets, not because they didn't have clothes but because it was 135 friggen degrees. But it was no big deal there. When I was a little kid we could run naked in our yard and nobody would care. Now the SS, also known as child protective services, would throw me in a home and arrest my parents.
I think however I have the reason for that as well. America is the absolute fattest country in the world so I suppose it makes sense to start teaching our kids very young that nudity is bad and that we should all hide behind moo-moos and XXXL sweatshirts. And why hug anyway when it takes actual effort to raise those ham hock arms and most likely you wont be able to fit the arms around the other person anyway. Maybe that was it. Perhaps they did want the obese kids' feelings to be hurt by only a half hug from a friend who arms couldn't quite make it.
I don't know, but what I do know is that our country won't allow hugs in school, titties hanging out in public, raising your kid as how you see fit (no spanking please), and we have to pay taxes several times over on everything we make, buy, sell, and earn in order to live here. God bless America!

Friday, August 31, 2007

so much to talk about...

Well, there is a ton I could talk about today. Really, I have no time to write this but I feel compelled to. I am going to skip the obvious: The US Senator trying to get/give head in an air port toilet, the never ending bitching about how it everybody else's fault that Katrina wiped them out and are intentionally keeping them down, how this presidential candidate is making stuff up about that presidential candidate... No no. I will keep it to just three issues. More than my normal, true, but not as many as I could go after today.
First, Bush wants to bail out the mortgage companies who made horrible decisions and lost a ton of money. Those are big boys and girls in charge of those banks. They knew the risks. Yet like everything else, e.g. airlines, Amtrak, certain other industries who make retarded choices, we the tax payers are forced to foot the bill, this time for predatory lenders, before for airlines who treat their customers like shit and charge for a disgusting sandwich. Tell ya what airlines people, you want us to fly more, try being on time, giving us a modicum of leg room, and don't let fuckers with box cutters on.
So once again we bail out stupid corporations who lent 115% of an appraised value to somebody with a 500 credit score who works at Winchell's. Of course those who took the aforementioned loan or some some reverse-am mortgage, blame the company. Please people... You just make my job harder.
Second, I want to talk about WMDs. A man I know met a Brit the other day who was in the British Navy a while back before we invaded. The Brit told him that they had continually stopped boat loads of chemical and biological weapons headed to sea from Iraq as well as nuke parts. Of course we never heard about it. While I was there I heard several first hand accounts both from Iraqis and Americans who were there before of similar stories. Tie this in with the bottle of Phosgene gas found in some drawer next to the Malox and Advil in a UN building in downtown New York City. Picked up in '96 in Iraq and kinda just stuffed aside, it is a very good thing Saddam didn't have any WMDs. I mean he destroyed them all of course. Some time between '96 and '03, he apparently was able to destroy all his WMDs, all the while hiding them from spy satellites and people on the ground. Oh, yeah, and all the documents related to it were destroyed too. That must be why he didn't let the inspectors in after UN resolution 1441. He didn't want them to see the paper work scattered all over the place.
And finally, the Weekly World News closed its doors. Yes, no more reading about BatBoy in the grocery lines. No more Elvis mating with an alien. Not even bigfoot sightings at Wal Mart. No, that is over. And what is worse, I saw an interview with three formers writers for the WWN and they came out and said the stories were made up. I was crushed. I felt like I did when I was a kids and for the first time, caught two wrestlers talking to each other during the match, discussing the next move while one was in a head lock. It's like finding out finally there is no Santa. You kinda knew, but you never wanted the proof. So long WWN. You will be missed.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Salt 'N' Peppa's here

In a break from my typically serious and often time angry blogs, I want to take a quick diversion and talk about something fun.

I want to talk about sex. Let's face it, we all want it, we need it, we spend a hell of a lot of time thinking about it and how to get it... yet pound for pound it creates more problems in our life than just about anything else. From one buddy who just "couldn't get off" when he wore a condom so didn't, who subsequently had to have a long Q-tip shoved up his pee hole, to the numerous rug rats I know that, for lack of a better term were "oopses", sex just seems to have a never ending sequence of bad side effects that smack us in the face.

There is the awkward silence at the water cooler the next morning.
Painful urination.
Infidelity, leading to divorce, leading to "HALF!"
Disappointed families.
The waking up next to somebody you generally would not wake up next to. (Please the the often forwarded picture of the two passed out frat guys, half naked in bed, one with his hand down the other's boxers)
Arrests in prostitution stings.
Oh yeah and death.

All of these things we willingly endure for the half hour or so of fun and a few seconds of toe-curling Oh My GOD!

I realized however, at least for guys, that it starts at a young age. If you had an Italian grandmother you know that a penis was meant for peeing, not touching. If you were say, oh I dunno, five and in the tub, and you touched it (your own mind you), you would most likely be greeted with a loud and thunderous "DON'T TOUCH THAT!"

Then as we get to middle school, touching it took on a whole new meaning. Which of course led to a cloak and dagger style, top secret mission of finding the time, place, and appropriate cover up technique. And while generally parents don't resort to bells on the hands the way they did in the Renaissance, you still had to be careful because there is nothing worse than having some quality man to hand time and having your mom walk in on you. Now while I never really had a bad experience like that, one buddy of mine... busted 4 times... poor bastard. And to top it all off, you had to deny it to your buddies 'cuz man, you were gay if you jerked off in middle school. Gay I say. All of that for something that made your arm tired and really is more of a pain in the ass than anything. Except of course for the last few seconds at the end. But some how those few seconds made it worth it. And don't even get me started on what I saw at summer camp.

Enter high school, when those lucky enough to get laid did so with great clumsiness and much bragging. Nobody denied slapping the salami any more but still you had to resort to the same 007 skills you learned in middle school. We did what we could to get laid, often with the help of alcohol. But if you did, then you had the rumor mill. There was one kid, whose name will not be mentioned here, who had a tiny dick and the whole school knew. I mean tiny the way some small woodland animals have tiny dicks. He slept with one girl and the rumor began. Slept with a second girl and rumor became high-school lore. And while he probably makes more money than I do, I can go to sleep at night knowing that my schlong dwarfs his, and therefor, I am more of a man. Make sense? Good.

We didn't have the problem of teenage pregnancy in my high school at least not publicly. In my high school if a girl had gotten knocked up it would have been taken care of very quietly. That was the way of the world for the kids I went to school with. Money fixes everything. But elsewhere you run that risk all the time, without the nice quiet answer. High school, college, and beyond. Everybody knows the risks and for a roll in the hay, is willing to take them. It can't be the natural drive to procreate, like some would have you believe all sex is for, because that wouldn't explain why gays would have the drive. Rather I think it's far more base. It feels good. Simple as that. Some people like it for the simple physical feeling and that is all there is to it. I on the other hand, find the psychological aspect just as attractive. Either way, psychologically or physically, it feels good.

And we, on the whole, get totally blinded by whatever it is that drives us to it. How many buddies have I warned not to mess around with a particular girl? Countless. Did they listen? Nope. Was I right? Yep. In the words of the great poet, Anthony Ray, "Don't pet the cat, if you just met the cat. But if you're already sprung on the cat, well then you might as well eat the cat." Some sage advice, Mix-A-Lot, however the final line of the shows our weakness as guys. Follow your hose... it always knows.

So there is no answer. We will always do what we can to get sex, consequences be damned. Some of us are more careful than others but we all make mistakes on behalf of our cocks. From cradle to grave, there is a reason our dicks stand out in front of us. They are there to lead the way. To be the beacon on the hill. Such as it was, so it is now, and so shall it always be. Forever and ever. Amen

Friday, August 10, 2007


Screw the offense rating. read it anyway, pussy!
Dateline: New Jersey
An illegal Peruvian man, Jose Carranza, along with two Hispanic teens, lined 4 college students up against a wall, made them kneel, and killed three of them execution style. The fourth was shot in the head but lived. He pleaded not guilty. He was previously arrested for assault in a bar fight. He was arrested recently for raping a 5 year old girl and was let out on bond. He then threatened to kill the girl and her family if they testified, he was again arrested and let out on bond. Now, three are dead and one has a bullet in her skull. His illegal status has been known and we did nothing about it. Further more, only one major news channel carried the story this morning as it broke. Are the Liberals that interested in the illegal vote? This goes past just regular Democrats who believe in hard work and fairness. This is that special blend of Liberal who thinks that illegals should have endangered species status and have their own sanctuaries in our streets. A game preserve if you will. Enter Geraldo Rivera, who blames America for "luring" illegals here with prosperity. Recently it has been found that Al-Qaida has been tagging along with human and drug traffickers, changing their names to Gonzalez, and slipping into the country with the "not-dangerous" illegals bringing drugs and gang members. And the spineless Dub-ya, who says we can't deport 12 million illegals, can't get his shit together enough to deport the ones accused of raping 5 year olds. Then again, New Jersey is pretty much a Liberal Democrat state and one would think they would be more complicit in this than the Feds. After all he was a guest in the penal system several times. If you want to close the borders, give our guys on the border a shoot to kill order for anybody who tries to get in illegally. Put up all the "Peligro" signs you need. Have hippies out there with bottled water to help the illegals to turn around and get back home... do all that stuff, and then kill the ones who continue to try to get in. No more. Our streets are turning to war zones, much of our gun and drug problem is a direct result of the trafficking coming in from Mexico. Gang bangers using full autos didn't pick them up at the local sporting goods store. Cars are stolen here and taken down there. People are kidnapped here and sold there. These are not the immigrants who built America, came here legally, paid taxes, FORCED their kids to learn English and adapt to the American way of life. This is absurd. Cub Scouts could defend our border better than what we have now. And I'm tired of hearing that fucking oompa music blaring from some '78 Pinto every time I go east of Sheridan...

Terrence Aeriel Dead
Dashon Harvey Dead
Iofemi Hightower Dead
Natasha Aeriel Shot in the head but alive

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I don't understand it. I've been trying to put my finger on it but I just can't. When and where was the fatal shift in America from seeing what was important to creating importance in order to further our own personal beliefs? I think I have it to within a decade, 1946-1956.
America is still such a young country in the scheme of things and we have come a long way in such a short amount of time. We are still the world's super power although China is right behind us. I mean hell, they only have 5 times our population and are thousands of years older than us... It's about damn time they got their proverbial shit together.
But we are regressing, not progressing. And indeed it did start after WWII. What we had was a bunch of men coming back and saying "I don't ever want my kids to go through the hardships I did." I mean they went right from the Great Depression to the front lines. Who would want their kids to go through that?
Along with the technological advances that gave people easier lives with "AUTOMATIC!" dishwashers, and "AUTOMATIC!" appliances throughout the house, it allowed people to ease off the gas for a while. And with that shift came a shift in the paradigm of the nation. Parents, while making life easy for their kids, still ruled with an iron fist. Those who were born to the hard working Ward Cleavers decided that mom and dad, who had given them a much easier life and didn't spare the rod, didn't know what they were talking about.
Enter now Communists. Yes yes, the Communists. They were here in the 40's and before but didn't dare say anything. With the big counter-culture revolution in the 60's they found their platform after McCarthyism died off. They came with the idea that all people could simply work together and all would be equal. Not a bad idea for a bunch of kids who were given everything and didn't know war or intense poverty. After all, they didn't have to do anything for what they had so it made perfect sense. And the outside influence of this was of course from Communist countries that despised the fact the capitalism actually works better and faster than anything else in the history of the world.
Throw in a request from some country called France and we have Vietnam. Now, exit France post haste as soon as we get there (to fight the communists by the way), and we are left in a war where we dribble troops in bit by bit, and they die as fast as we can put them on the ground. Give us a media that is anti-government, anti-war at all costs, anti-everything and you have a new way of thinking.
When we finally pull out we have a country who hates the very military that gives them the freedom to hate the military. We bring in the environment, animal rights, abortion, unending money to the poor... lots of things to take our minds off the big picture, which is the protection and strength building of our nation. We have allowed ourselves to be blinded and we are paying a grave price.
I listen to Michael Savage from time to time and for the most part I like what he says. The other day, however, he goes off on gays. I mean the whole, "two fags doing unspeakable things to each other" rant. He mentions that every major religion in the world is against it and it's so horrible that this general in Iraq is being drug through the mud because he spoke out against gays.
Dude, who cares? It is yet another side show to get our minds off of what is truly important. Honestly we are so far gone as a society that what is truly important will never beat out how Anna Nichole died, so it's almost a moot point. But why is a guy who does see the big picture (or at least I thought he did) allowing himself to be so distracted? Oh yeah, by the way, infidelity is also against every major religion in the world but I don't see people going ape shit over that.
This is what I see is killing America and needs to be addressed, though never really will be:

1) Radicalism. From Imams who live here that have publicly said they were against terrorism, have been caught funneling money to terrorists, to the unending religious right BS. My experience in Iraq showed me that most Muslims have no tolerance for non-Muslims and my experience in America tells me that most hardcore Bible thumpers don't have a tolerance for anybody outside of their faith (Please see the Phelps family from the Westboro Baptist Church for more information. The big difference in my eyes is the whole killing people thing. Generally, and there are exceptions to the rule, the far right don't kill people willy-nilly.

2) Never ending taxes. The government's constant search for more money. In 1950 the GDP was 1,777,300,000 in year 2000 US dollars. Population was 151,235,000. In 2004 GDP was 10,703,500,000 in year 2000 USD and the populations was 293,655,000. http://eh.net/hmit/gdp/
That's 6 times the GDP with only 1.9 time the people. Stunning. Yet we have shitty roads, shitty schools, a military that is too small and underfunded, rampant poverty, jobs flying out of our country... Yet what do the politicians (mostly Dems though not always) want to do? Raise taxes. I understand why the wealthy send the jobs over seas. Taxes here are debilitating. I myself pay 15% of everything I make just in FICA that I will never see again.
3) Unions. Yes they had a purpose in the start of our nation but now they simply tear us apart. GM is the largest auto maker in the world yet they can't turn a profit. They are in business to pay out on all the pensions their retirees have, while at the same time paying some Joe 6-pack with at the most a trade school education, 40 bucks an hour to watch a machine put a widget together.
4) Illegal Immigration) Just ask the Native Americans what happens when immigration goes unchecked. Jorge from Tijuana should not get a new heart on the American tax payer dollars when he hasn't put shit into the system. Anchor babies are your golden ticket if you are illiterate and broke from another country. And no Geraldo, we did not "lure them here". We made a nice life for ourselves and have always allowed people to come in legally. It's not our fault their countries suck.
5) The push by Uncle Scam to make the US population completely dependant on the government. We need the Gov. to tell us how to live our lives. No spanking your kids, no paying for sex, though if you film it you just call it a porn movie and you are OK. We have to label all "offensive" music, Thank you Tipper Gore. And oh, by the way, don't you find it odd that so many Libby rock stars all supported Gore even though his haus frau was responsible for the parental advisory labels we have all over the place? It truly goes to show you that the Libs will back anybody Liberal no matter if they are diametrically opposed to their beliefs.
6) Last but certainly not least, our new found belief that every opinion matters. It used to be if you were a moron you were ignored and that was just fine. Now, even the most irrelevant and ridiculous ideas have backing of one organization or another. The most useless and irrelevant organization in the world, the UN, is also the most dangerous. Though totally opposed to the war in Iraq, even after UN resolution 1441 was passed, they have no problem having 17 current UN "Peacekeeping" operations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_where_UN_peacekeepers_are_currently_deployed
Seven in Africa alone, where none of the help actually gets to the people who need it. I'm willing to bet there were just as many government sponsored tortures and executions per capita in Iraq as most of those places yet Coffe Cup Annan had a shit fit over Iraq but not The Ivory Coast or Liberia. Always trying to keep the brown man down I suppose.

So that is that. Come on America, let's get our act together. Spank your kids if they need it and don't keep telling them that they are doing great if they aren't. Not everybody should make the team and not everybody should get a trophy at the end of the year. You are doing them a disservice by cushioning life for them like that. Tell the guy who says that the National Endowment for the Arts should pay some hippy 5 grand for a misspelled one word poem to go to hell and shut up, and tell the people who get bent out of shape about a naked chocolate Jesus (thanks Yah) to relax, smoke a bowl, and shut the fuck up. Yes people, Jesus had a schlong and I'm sure at some point in his life he used it for one action or another. Let people smoke in smoking sections, but tell them the rest of us don't want to pay for their stupidity with higher insurance rates because of it. Make it so that if you smoke you don't get covered for smoking related illnesses. Focus on the real problems. Don't keep voting for people who want to raise your taxes because it won't help. Don't think you are helpless. If somebody breaks into your house, don't try to talk your way out of it and call the cops so we can pay for the trial and the 10 years he'll do in prison, as well as the next trial and the next prison term. Instead blow him away. End it all right then and there and don't even think of allowing the family of the afore mentioned ass hole to sue the home owner.
Maybe, just maybe, we can pull this out.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

You are stupid...

Offensive rating: 10/10

Chances are that you, mister John Q. or Jane Q. public, are deaf, dumb, and blind in all matters which actually count. Yes you may have a degree. You may have a genius IQ. You may even be an esteemed professor but you still are most likely a moron.
I hate to think that the populous of the world is so inept and downright retarded but the fact is that on a daily basis I see evidence of such an affliction. Nowhere in the world is this more blazing orange than in the political world.
Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi is demanding of the US government an Air Force equivalent of a 757 with a crew of 14 to take her from Washington to California whenever she wants. Cost of the trip is $300,000 each way. Rep John Murtha (D-PA), chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense "urged administration officials to give her what she wanted. He also happened to mention that she was in charge approving budgets so it would behoove them to comply. Previously House speakers took commercial airlines to travel.
The honorable Ms. Pelosi was also involved with getting American Samoa exempted from the minimum wage hike. Oh, by the way, Star Kist Tuna, who's parent company is Del Monte, is a major employer in American Samoa. Where is Del Monte head quartered you ask? In Nancy Pelosi's district.
Intelligent people understand why the minimum wage is a bad thing to begin with. If you don't understand I'll give you a crash course. If everybody has more money, money is worth less. If companies have to pay more for their work force, they pass the increase on to the consumer and therefor prices go up and your buying power goes down. That's pretty much it down and dirty. However minimum wage hikes appeal to the lowest common denominator of people and they are a great thing to campaign on when you have a lot of poor people in your voting pool. The more you give them for free, the more they vote for you.
So Pelosi says to the populace, "I will raise the minimum wage because I care about you." But she is smart and knows where her money comes from so doesn't do it in a place that messes with her money supply and that quite honestly most people in America have never heard of, let alone know it is subject to American policy.
What an arrogant bitch. Will she get re-elected again? I'd put my house on it. $600,000 a week buys a lot of WIC food for the poor, starving children of America. It sure as hell builds one amazing levee to protect the people of New Orleans next time they ignore a hurricane. Maybe she hates blacks... $600,000 helps an Iraq vet with no legs get his life back. It pays for a lot of heart transplants for illegals. It covers a lot of welfare checks. But instead she would prefer to use it as her personal taxi service. Friend of the poor and down trodden indeed.
We have seen this before from her ilk. King Bill and Queen Hillary have a beautiful home with a guest house for the secret service to live in. Coincidentally they charge the secret service rent in the exact amount of their mortgage each month.
And YOU, people of the world, are to blame. Because it is not just American politicians that do it. Friend of the world and ex-head of the U.N., Coffee Cup Anan, the great peace maker and embezzler of billions, was chilling in Jackson Hole, Wyoming when the tsunami hit a few years ago. Then he stood by and allowed 100% taxes from the governments on all aid that went into those backwards ass countries. He also watched as UN aid workers traded food for sex with young girls all over Africa. He was against going into Iraq, even though a UN resolution said we could, but he sent troops from all over the world into Africa to fight there. Ah yes.
I had a person tell me they voted for Kerry because he understood the poor better. When you say "Pass the Ketchup" and your wife's name is on it, you don't know shit about being poor.
People please stop fooling yourself. You don't know what is going on in the world. You don't even know most of what goes on in your own back yard. Pay attention! Look down the rabbit hole, Unplug from the Matrix and see what is going down.

Friday, January 19, 2007

The Tax Man Cometh

Offensive rating: 3/10
Well it is a new year and I am already thinking about taxes. Ah yes, taxes. We pay them all day, every day. We pay gas tax and sales tax on cars in order to keep our roads pot hole free (and a marvelous job we are doing too), we pay income tax, bot state and federal, we pay tax at the grocery store on the food we eat, our phones are taxed, our gadgets and gizmos are taxed, our medicine and beer are taxed, and the final kick in the nuts, we are taxed on the money we have already been taxed on when we die.
Yes we pay taxes and then more taxes. We pay taxes when most don't even realize we are paying them. Yet we still have chasm like pot-holes, sub-standard schools, mediocre police protection, politicians with expense accounts at the Bellagio, crappy cell coverage, and an all intrusive government that would rather try to catch you not paying your taxes than catch a terrorist. I know I know, all those cameras on the streets are to catch red light runners and all the phone taps are to catch "terrorists". We would never use them against Americans just trying to make their way in the world.
So now there is a man and woman in New Hampshire who have holed themselves up in their home in New Hampshire because the Man in is their front yard waiting to arrest them for not paying taxes. "Live free or die!" the man keeps yelling. His gripe, and it's a good one, is that he pays more taxes than the president of the United States and makes less money, because he doesn't know all the write offs like the pres does. Yes, indeed that does suck. However any decent accountant can get the same write offs for you and all the info is available on the net or in books. So that I think should fall on him. LLCs, S-Corps, and other things are set up to allow people who work for their money to keep it. A friend of mine made almost 2 million last year and shelled out around $875,000 to Uncle Scam. To what end? His roads are not better, he has no kids but the kids around him aren't doing any better in school, the cops still take forever to get to a problem... where is his money going?
Many say that we need higher taxes, that more money will allow us to do more things... Poppy-cock I say. Every year more and more money goes into the black hole we call the US treasury never to be seen again. If we were to raise taxes another 10% on the top earners in America would that help? DO you think our daily lives would be greatly or even marginally enhanced? Highly doubtful. In fact I would put money on it.
Here is a little of my own private tax paying history. In 2004, my first full year in real estate I made give or take $32,000. I worked 6 days a week, nights, weekends, early mornings... the whole bit. My expenses? Give or take $40,000. I had more write offs than earnings so I didn't have to pay income tax because I didn't really make anything. And on top of that I was paying interest on the loans I had to take out. I did however have to pay FICA to the tune of 15%. Yes that's a little perk of being self-employed, I don't get to split my FICA with my employer and only pay 7.5%. Nope I paid 15% on the full $32,000. I will never see that money again. Ever.
And when the option came up to the powers that be to even allow me to take a portion of it to invest for myself I was told that the American people weren't capable enough to invest that money. That we NEEDED the government to do it for us. Well let's see, when I turn 65 I will have approximately $0 from social security. Even if I took $1000 of my FICA taxes every year and stuck it in a simple savings account I would have... let's see... carry the 5... a lot more than $0.
So I continue to pay my taxes and my hero in New Hampshire will be arrested and imprissioned when the Waco-ites on his lawn finally get to him. I won't get into the frivolous things our tax money is going to, that's a blog for another time, but I will say congrats to the man who says, "To what end do I pay my taxes?"
Here is a little info courtesy of http://www.taxhistory.org/

In 2003 the Pres "made" $822,126. Riiiiiight. $727,083 of that was taxable. He paid $227,494 in taxes putting him in the 31% bracket. He had $115,661 withheld and had a $173,280 carry over from 2002. So that means he gets back (carries over) $61,451 to 2004. Not bad for making over $800,000
Now the venerable John Kerry, champion of the poor and impoverished "made" $395,338 (riiiiiiiiiiiiight) in 2003, $346,664 taxable. He had $27,277 withheld. He ended up paying a total of $90,575 meaning he paid a whopping 26% in taxes.
Now we all know they made tons more than that but they are smart and know where to put it. They understand that it's not what you make but what you keep and that any money they out into the system is lost. The great part about it is that it is legal. It is available for anybody to do. So I say get educated people. Don't be guilted into betting on a losing horse. Own don't rent, write off things for your works... do what the people in Washington do. Do what they do but make sure you pay what you owe because the IRS can just go into your bank account and take what they want. Not to mention charge "fees and interest" that would make any loan shark in Little Italy giddy. And if you don't think that your favorite political figure from either side cares more about the money than they do about you, remember this. Michael Moore owns or has owned large quantities of Halliburton and Fox news has changed content because the Saudi "royal" family owns stock.

"Live free or die!"

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I have heard from some people that they thought I was saying Barrack Hussein Obama was Muslim. As I recal I never said that. I was simply worried about his "leanings" and the possible perception of safe haven for terrorists of a certain vein.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm Back

Well I'm back at it. I had to create a new page because for some reason I couldn't get into the old one. Let the offending begin...
Offensive rating: 10/10

Obama... you have to be shitting me. You cannot tell me that that is a good idea. He says he is not a Muslim... but he has, from much of what I have read, definite Muslim leanings. Let me ask you, would it be beyond the realm of possibility for him to be a "Manchurian candidate" for Islam? Can we take that risk with our nation? I mean granted, it is falling apart around us anyway but if you think Bush has heavy ties to Saudi and Kuwait, wait until what happens if this Obama guy gets in.
There are way too many questions. One of the biggest criticisms of Bush I hear is that he is a Bible thumper. Is Obama secretly a Qu'ran thumper? If he is this country is in for a whole new level of religious oppression. Church and state will become one. All these loud mouth feminists out there will be in a Burka walking five steps behind, belonging to to the men they hate so much and the rule of thumb will be back in place.
I say this partially tongue in cheek but I am not wrong by saying we will see a huge shift in this country if he gets elected (though I wouldn't mind the feminists being put in their place). There will be a huge influx of Muslims into this country due to the fact that the NAME runs the most powerful nation on the planet. More than ever those who say anything against Islam will be called "racist" and deemed hate-mongers while Christians and Jews continue to put up with the banning of anything remotely religious (Religious items on walls in public places, Easter-bunny decorations at the DMV which a lady got in trouble for, and the latest lefty ploy, the ceasing of church bells tolling). And in the case of the Jews, the anti-Semitic actions that take place all over the country on a daily basis. Where as if he is elected, I wouldn't be surprised to see many more mosques pop up with the newly immigrated population and the screeching out of the loud speaker five times a day. Hey, I lived with it for a year... don't say "How could you say such a thing?!" if you haven't had to put up with it. Not to mention the fact that more than ever anybody who rolled their eyes at a Muslim would be in hot watter. Already you risk judgment. Simply by doing this I'm sure I'll get a ton of back lash.
And I should also add that this doesn't have anything to do with Obama himself. He may be completely moderate (though I doubt it) but it will be the world wide perception that will change. We will get the influx of new Muslims simply because of the name of the president. It has nothing to do with the man himself. The rest will happen on its own. He is after all, a civil rights lawyer, which, I can't imagine a worse title for a president. He needs to run some non-profit, not the USA. Presidents need to think rationally and do what is best for the nation, not worry if people's feelings get hurt. I just have a feeling that the most important things to me, security, 2nd amendment, and freedom from government oppression will be destroyed under this Obama guy... Though come to think of it, I'd probably rather have him than Hillary.