Friday, November 14, 2008

OK, so lot's to talk about.

First off we have
No riots, no looting, no bitching, no blaming. Just playing with the hand they are dealt. Ray-Ray Nagin take note please.
The illustrious UN launched its "largest ever aid appeal" of over 7 billion dollars to be spent willy nilly across Africa and, get this, Iraq even after the billions we've dumped into the economy and infrastructure there. The Un (and yes I mean Un not UN because they seem to undo shit that works world wide) is worried that the global economic crisis will stifle "humanitarian funding in 2009" so rather than keeping out own countries afloat we should dump money into warlords and corrupt governments. Got it. Speaking of corruption...,2933,454191,00.html That there buys a whole lot of bowls of rice.
Al Qaida's number two honcho called Barrack Hussein a "house negro". Personally I love this story. There were celebrations, as I predicted, in the streets of the major Muslim cities around the world and mainstream Muslims love him but, also as I predicted, the hard line Muslims hate him. Leaving the Islam is punishable by death and I don't care what Hoos says, he was born a Muslim (if nothing else due to the fact his father was Muslim) and that to the Islamists is no good at all. I recall an incident a year or so ago where a guy was beheaded for leaving the faith.,22606,24684272-912,00.html?from=public_rss
And in a final bit of insanity we go to Egypt where 400 teens were arrested for flirting. The report goes on to say that they are cracking down on "sexual harassment" so I'm not exactly sure how flirting applies to that but anyway, there is the story.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Celebrate good times COME ON!

OK so many people have ragged on me that I was wrong about the riotous celebrations I expected to see when Barack Hussein won. Did we see mass pandemonium like I expected? No. What we did see was the poorest, most dilapidated, and most violent inner cities turn into a free for all of people hooting and hollering, crowding streets, and all in all turning the the most important day in American politics into a world series championship party. I'll take that over riots any day and here it is... I was wrong.
In my search for various "Unity and Change" style... events that took place that night, I really wanted to get to the meat of the experience. Being that I myself did not partake in the revelry I must rely on first hand accounts and video testimony. Therefor, I have compiled a very small selection of celebration footage for you to enjoy. I will bring to your attention any special quotes or events of note... free of charge.

OK this is in LA on the infamous Crenshaw Blvd.

Q: Do you feel now the change now between the blacks, the whites, the Hispanics, and everyone?"
A: I feel, I feel it's gonna come right. It's gonna come right. We got a black president so it's gonna come right.
Wow, just like that. Racial equality in America and the end to bigotry. Man, Obama is special.

Q: "Why did you vote for Obama? Give me a concise, a lot of people say 'it's because he's black', why did you vote for Obama?"
A: "I voted for Obama because it's time for a change. The Republicans ain't doing nothin' (unintelligible gibberish) time for them to get up in here so, it's time for a change. Barack Obama '08"
Indeed. Change huh? Concise enough for you?

Q: "How do you feel about Obama?"
A: "Oh I love Obama! I love him! (Unintelligible gibberish) He gonna save us he gonna save us that's a(and it sounds here like she says "a black thing") but I wouldn't want to put words into her mouth.

Q: "Now you voted for him... why did you vote?"
A: "I voted for him because, I know it's, I voted for him was so how much the country has matured. It's not even about him just being black, it's just the point that our country has left everything in the past (agreed) all the negativity the whole black thing is out. It's basically change, that's all we need it change. That's what it is."
Again change. Any specifics or... perhaps a plan or some sort of insight as to which of his changed up policies you really liked or was it just sort of change in general?

Now if I'm not mistaken the narrator here calls Michelle Obama the Vice President at 3:33... I could be off.

When speaking to a man who said it was his first time voting the narrator asks;
Q: "What made you vote besides him being a black man?"
A: I'm a black man I think we've been in this economy so long man I think it's time for a change."
Again that word... hell if I had known it would have been so easy to get elected on a word and no plan I would have run for senate by now. Do any one of these people have a clue as to what he wants to do beyond the word "change"?

Here is a very special quote that I feel we all must hear and let soak in for a while to get the full effect...
"As you see Obama has changed a lot for futures. Even, we heard, drug addicts that never voted, voted from rehab. We heard alcoholics that never voted, voted."
Take it in. Allow the words to fill you. I'll give you a second. Breathe in through the nose... out through the mouth. Is it soaked in? Good.

Q: "Ma'am, how do you feel?"
A" "OBAMA!!!!!!!"
Not exactly an answer but OK.

Q: "Obama said that he's having McCain help him get America back together. How do you feel about that?"
A" "I feel that Obama has it all in his orchestra so he don't need McCain because McCain is old and he's sick and he don't need his help. Obama got it. It's all in his plan."
All in his plan? And people get offended when I call him the "Savior" and talk about his election as the second coming. It's all in Obama's plan. He don't need no McCain.

Now if you want people to take your candidate seriously, you need to be interviewing more people like the guy at 13:56.

Q: "Obama won how do you feel?"
A" "Blessed. Blessed. Democracy worked. I made my vote count. God is good."
That pretty much sums up the way America works. One group on election day feels blessed, one feels damned, but we are all proud that we live in a Democracy (A Republic really but I won't split hairs here) and that our votes count. No talk of an ethereal concept of change, just thankfulness for the process that we have in America. The girl on right after at 14:03 has it too.
"I think this is an amazing opportunity... It's not just about (him being black). It's about health care, it's about war in Iraq, it's about all these issues that, he just so happens to be black. That's the icing on the cake if you will." While I think his health care stance and Iraq ideas are devastating to America at least she mentions them. Honestly I doubt she really knows much about them but at least she shows the wherewithal to mention them.

"I feel excellent, I know that this is an achievement not just for Barack Obama but for black people!... Because unless black people struggle we will not have the kind of society he has promised us."
First off so much for this not being a race thing. Nearly everybody interviewed mentioned race but we already knew it was a huge race deal. Secondly, did I miss something? The society he promised us? I'm I guess extrapolating that by "us" she means black people because that is who she was previously talking about but I don't recall Obama saying anything officially about promising "black society" anything.

Now from 14:58 to 17:45 there are some pretty good, solid interviews. Many people with some well thought out ideas. A couple with just "Change" but on the whole that bit is alright. Watch it. You'll like it.

However they end it with

Q: "Why did you personally vote for Obama, besides him being black?" Nice
A: "Because he got a plan and because he's for the youth."
Narrator: "You heard it right here. Obama has a plan and he's here for the youth." Wow, that's overwhelming.

Q: "What made you actually vote?"
A: "'Cuz I wanted change."

Q: "The reason that you voted for Barack Obama was it for a change or was because he's a black man?" Solid journalism there by the way.
A: "It was for a change." Well, you had a 50/50 chance on that one.


My favorite part of this is the song you hear towards the end. For clarification I have added a link to the lyrics. This, by the way, is being hailed as "The New Nation anthem." Nice.

And here's another song in support of Mr. Obama

And just so you know I'm making a statement about Obama supporters in general, not based on any one color, here is a nice Mardi Gras/ running of the bulls style celebration in Chicago. Not even when Slick Willy was elected did we have stuff like this. The guy filming this was sure to focus in on the one or two American flags seen at this presidential election party. The Star Spangled Banner was a nice touch. I wonder when the last time any of them sang that particular song before this? Nice how patriotism comes out only when they win. And I can't tell for sure but it looks like they put a picture of Barack's face on a statue of Jesus... How appropriate.

I guess all in all I have the sinking feeling that the entire country is going to look like this under him. The same way Bill Clinton turned the White House into a double wide, Barack Obama will turn it into some block party and I think the lemmings that put on these little shows will carry it over into their daily lives. All we can hope for is that the presidential handlers get a hold of him before he can do too much damage. If they do and Mr. Obama acts just like every other president then there are going to be a LOT of pissed off idiots who believed him when he said he was going to do all this amazing stuff. If he does follow through with what he promised then we are pretty much done as a country anyway so all this is academic. Either way he'll get re-elected because even if he fails miserably, which my money says he will, he has already set the stage as to why he will fail miserably and will convince people that even with the house and senate in his pocket, he will require another four years to make America a proper haven for the lazy and the the stupid. God bless America

Monday, November 10, 2008

Executive orders

Well it seems that our new man in the White House already has a game plan for the first few days he becomes the MFIC. First he is doing something actually good which will stop the ban on stem cell research. 'Bout time. It's ridiculous not to use what we can to make life better. Never agreed with the ban and never will.

Mr. Obama will also reverse the decision to drill for oil and gas in some areas, specifically Utah. I'm calling it now... $10.00/ gallon in three years if he goes through with all his plans as he has stated them. If he takes out off-shore drilling, shale drilling, Utah, and ANWR off the table, that pretty much puts us out of the game. Back to the locker room we go.

Now Reid, Pelosi, and other Dems are pushing for a bailout of the automakers as well as banks and insurance companies... Why not? Let's see if we can break the one trillion mark for free shit to companies who can't manage their own finances? Add that to the bailout that they want to give people who can't pay their mortgage, lovingly nursed by Hoos' new Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, we should pretty much have government money into everybody's pocket except mine oddly enough. See I'm not behind on my mortgage and I, being self-employed at my whopping 60 grand or so a year won't qualify for much of what he wants to give away. And the FICA tax he loves so much will continue to empty my pockets and go into somebody Else's who doesn't want to work.

And let's talk about Rahm Emanuel for a second. The ballet major turned "tough guy" senator from Chicago is not known for working "across party lines", the regurgitated mantra of The Chosen One for the past two years. He was appointed to the board of currently in the tank Freddie Mac, by Bill Clinton in 2000, where he served with... distinction? Dishonor? And a cute little factoid I didn't know is that Barack Hussein Obama got the second highest campaign contributions from Fannie and Freddie out of any senator from 1989-2008. Not bad for only being in the senate for two years. I guess that good enough to get a Chief of Staff position.

Actually, now that I think about it, Emanuel goes great with The honorable Governor Jennifer Granholm of the one state recession that is the great state of Michigan, sitting on his economic advisory team. Crooked board member of a failed multi-billion dollar entity, Crooked governor of a recently failed state... not bad. I can't wait to see who he picks as treasury secretary.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Conngrats Mr. President

So, the world rejoices at the second coming.

First there is the ever even-keeled Ahmadinejad offering his good wishes to our new (ahem) president,

Now our dear expansionary allies to the West want an "early" meeting with Mr. Obama.

Hamas has extended the congratulations to our Commander in Chief

A quick little blurb about good ol' Fidel congratulating the big man

Here's a little pre-election endorsement I missed. I'm sure a hearty pat on the back would have come from Kim Jong Il if he didn't have one foot in the grave at the moment.

Let's see who else... Ah i would be remiss if I didn't mention the distinguished gentleman from Venezuela Senior Hugo Chavez

How about Syria

Good job Mr. President. You have ingratiated the United States to pretty much every dictatorship, totalitarian, and terrorist backing government on the planet. That is overwhelming to say the least.

On to other news. It would seem that The Savior will now throw a bone to the extremely important world player of Kenya, his birth... excuse me, ancestral, home.

He recently named the esteemed governor of my home state of Michigan to his economic advisory board. I don't even know what to say to this... She has destroyed that state. I mean seriously... I just don't even know what to say. Michigan is so far in the hole right now. I actually can't... yes, yes I can believe he put her on his economic advisory team. Michigan has been known as the "One state recession" for years and he puts her... Jesus, never mind.

Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose, two of Obama's biggest choad lickers for the previous two years, started to cover their asses not too long ago, by saying that they really aren't sure what, exactly, they know about Mr. Obama.

I had more but I'm really tired... I leave you with this. How do you think things will pan out in a year when he has both Jewish leaders who supported him, and the Nation of Islam and Hamas, all vying for his attention? How will he keep labor unions in his pocket when the taxes he wants to levy will force companies to fire loads of people? These are all mutually excluding. Hamas and the JDL cannot have the same Patron for long.

Thank God I'm out of the Army... I'd rather go to prison than serve under That One.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Rev 18:10

The Hollow Men
T.S. Eliot

Mistah Kurtz -- he dead.

A penny for the Old Guy


We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us -- if at all -- not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.


Eyes I dare not meet in dreams
In death's dream kingdom
These do not appear:
There, the eyes are
Sunlight on a broken column
There, is a tree swinging
And voices are
In the wind's singing
More distant and more solemn
Than a fading star.

Let me be no nearer
In death's dream kingdom
Let me also wear
Such deliberate disguises
Rat's coat, crowskin, crossed staves
In a field
Behaving as the wind behaves
No nearer --

Not that final meeting
In the twilight kingdom


This is the dead land
This is cactus land
Here the stone images
Are raised, here they receive
The supplication of a dead man's hand
Under the twinkle of a fading star.

Is it like this
In death's other kingdom
Waking alone
At the hour when we are
Trembling with tenderness
Lips that would kiss
Form prayers to broken stone.


The eyes are not here
There are no eyes here
In this valley of dying stars
In this hollow valley
This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms

In this last of meeting places
We grope together
And avoid speech
Gathered on this beach of the tumid river

Sightless, unless
The eyes reappear
As the perpetual star
Multifoliate rose
Of death's twilight kingdom
The hope only
Of empty men.


Here we go round the prickly pear
Prickly pear prickly pear
Here we go round the prickly pear
At five o'clock in the morning.

Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow

For Thine is the Kingdom

Between the conception
And the creation
Between the emotion
And the response
Falls the Shadow

Life is very long

Between the desire
And the spasm
Between the potency
And the existence
Between the essence
And the descent
Falls the Shadow

For Thine is the Kingdom

For Thine is
Life is
For Thine is the

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Big One

Well, we are two weeks out from our next presidential election and unless something miraculous happens Barack Hussein Obama will be our next commander in chief. There are only two ways that I can see that it won't happen.
1.) The fact that he is not an American citizen is finally accepted. And for you doubters ask yourself why he hasn't given any proof at all of his citizenship.
2.) The leftists think they have the election so in the bag they don't even bother to go out to vote.
I have to give it up to Hoos, he did some amazing shit out on the campaign trail. He is so good at what he does that, and this is a doozy, I read about the oldest American voter overseas who is a hundred-and-something nun living in the Vatican who is voting for him. When a man who supports third trimester abortions gets the nod from a dare I said "old-school" nun in the Vatican... well what can I say about that? You simply can't fight that.
I was listening to local radio guy named Tom Martino who does a consumer advice show here in Denver today. Generally he isn't that political as far as I know and if I had to put money on it I would say he is an Obama supporter. Anyway, he was talking to a lady recently about acne treatments or some such thing and the lady said she wasn't worried about her son's acne because once Obama is elected it will go away.

I suppose the case could be made that the kid is so stressed out about the election that that is the reason for the acne and once it's all over and done it will clear up but I don't think that is where she was going with this. Again, how can you fight a guy who can not only balance the budget, end war, fix health care, "lower" taxes, AND cure acne... Man.

So here are my predictions for the Obama presidency.

1) If there is a clear winner election night there will be "celebrations" involving looting and burning things major cities across the US. If it is drawn out then all will be well due to the attention span of the average American. And, I should add as an aside, if he does loose God have mercy because this entire country will look like L.A. post Rodney King.

2) There will be celebrations in the streets in Damascus, Riyadh, Tehran, "Palestine", Paris, and Pyongyang. Sharia-ville, AKA London may also have some too.

3) As the taxes go up for all those rich $250k/yr people and small businesses, they will start laying off pushing unemployment to new heights. The government will start dumping tons of money into the economy pushing inflation up. The good thing is all those newly unemployed people will have some top notch social programs to fall back on.

4) Once in office he will learn that it is not a simple as invading Pakistan and now that Iraq is relatively calm he will pull troops out of Iraq to try and sure-up Afghanistan, setting us back years in Iraq.

5) Once the tax breaks for the "Exxon/Mobile's" are taken away gas prices will go way up to compensate.

6) He will "look at" things like off-shore drilling but knowing his bread and butter is the far-left eco-nuts he won't do it. He will also shy away from nuclear, rather going for solar, tidal, and wind. Ultimately we will not be able to power the US with the sun or the oceans and we will continue to suck down oil just as much as before but his "attempts" will count for a lot in the minds of the left. After all it isn't easy being green.

7) He will be loved and cherished by other socialist leaders from around the world and America will soon fall to the same fate as most of Western Europe: ridiculous taxes, unchecked immigration, lose of national identity, and weakness (more so than we already are) in the eyes of those countries that would do us harm.

8) he will do his damnedest to take guns away from people. He will start by taking away assault weapons, then semi-autos. He will also try to limit where guns can be carried and stop imports of fire arms. If he can't do it through the front door he will take the California approach where some guns are fine but ammunition is illegal. Worse come to worse he will have the US join the UN's attempt to internationally ban personally owned fire arms. They use terms such as "illicit" but they are so loosely defined. Please read the Nairobi Protocol.

Pay special attention to ART 3 (a)(iii) It also requires nations to adopt "necessary legislative or other measures" to conform to UN rules, while of course not infringing on a nation-state's right a sovereignty. Pay very close attention to articles 5 and 7. Basically yeah, they do want to take guns away from people they don't deem necessary to have one. This a how Hoos will do it.

I have plenty of other predictions but I just got slammed and I have to go.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Why I Loath Obama

Why I loath Obama is a very deep question with an even deeper answer. First and foremost I don't believe he has America's best interest at heart. I think he as his view of how America should be in his mind and he will stop at nothing to make America into the perfect nation in the eyes of Barak Obama, that he believes only he can make it, regardless of how weak and ineffective it makes us.

I loath him because he doesn't hold any of the ideals that made America the greatest and most powerful country in the world in two short centuries: Hard work, pulling one's own weight, being strong in the face of our enemies, driving on through the hard times, and never giving up. He used his life of privilege to gain more power in less time than anybody since the child pharaohs of old, all the while using fear and perceived injustices to garner support and increase his own personal status and wealth.

I loath him because he is friends and business partners with those who both openly and secretly hate America. He is friends with people who blow up government buildings and kill innocent civilians with no remorse while saying they wish they could kill and maim more. He fits in and blends in perfectly amongst the enemies of the United States of America.

I loath him because contrary to what he says openly, I believe that he truly hates America as it is rather than, for instance my case, realizing that America has serious problems but still knowing that it is hands down the greatest country in the world. I don't believe he is willing to die for this amazing country which EVERY American should be willing to do, let alone the President of the United States.

I loath him because he supports a racist cause masquerading as a church and I loath him even more because he lied about his knowledge of it.

I loath him because he wants to take what people have rightfully earned and give it to people who have not earned it, going against everything that this country was founded on.

I loath him because he uses his race as a means to an end.

I loath him because he is too arrogant to admit what he does not know. He tips his proverbial hand when it comes to potential national policy decisions involving sovereign nations, a decision that will get people killed unnecessarily.

I loath him because he does not know the true meaning of sacrifice. In order to know sacrifice you have to hold something more dear than yourself and be willing to put yourself behind the needs of whatever that something may be.

I loath him because he preys on the weak and makes them believe he is their friend when all they are to him is a tool to further himself. His ego and conceit know no match and one cannot be an effective leader with such a high self-opinion.

And lastly I loath him because he is above all repercussions of his own actions. To the best of my knowledge he has never been held accountable for anything he has ever said, done, or attempted, no matter how egregious, illegal, immoral, or sinister.

That pretty much sums it up

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


OK, it looks like we are going up against Barack Hussein Obama (from here on out reffered to lovingly as "Hoos") and I pray to God and all that is holy that I am right about all presidential elections being decided in advance because if not we are truly fucked if he wins. He is so off the wall crazy that I can't even see how anybody but the most Liberal of Liberals can support him.
I won't get into how he has no experience whatsoever, that he has outlined exactly zero plans as to what he is going to do if he gets elected, or that all we (widely) know he stands for is "change", whatever change may mean. I won't get into the fact that he aligned himself with a church that is about as militant as some of the mosques I dealt with in Iraq, or that his wife, who Hoos has whored out to the media for his benefit but nobody can talk badly about, went on record as saying that she, in her adult life, has never been proud of America until now.
I won't get into any of that. What I will get into is some of what he really believes and some of the incredible tactics he uses to get a leg up.
Never before have we had such a debutant running for office. Hoos has successfully positioned himself that nobody is allowed to question the words and actions of himself, his family, or his friends, without being accused of being a racist or playing dirty politics. Never before have we seen an individual running for public office being "off-limits" to criticism, yet he slings accusations and criticism around like a monkey slings shit. No that wasn't a racial comment but it's the only animal I know of that flings shit around except the two disgusting bitches in the"two girls one cup" video.
Here is just a couple examples of the endless accusations and "butt-hurtery" that Hoos employs.

Just copy and paste the two lines, the address were too long and went off the side
Please note who this is from and the purely unbiased quote from Rob Reynolds of. Also please not how they call Hoos the "US Democratic presidential hopeful" while McCain is "The presumptive Republican candidate." Are they retarded? McCain hasn't been "presumptive" in months and last I heard Hoos still didn't have the nod. Very unbiased and oh so accurate.
More Vagisil for the distinguished gentleman from Illinois please.
I guess when you allude to somebody's actual beliefs they don't like that.
Calling him a senile old man is how you can read this one. But please don't bring up Hoos' young age or lack of experience because that would be a "deceitful attack, aimed at driving America apart."

I could go on and on but I don't have time on particular subject. Just google "Obama-accuses" and you will get 137,000 matches. GO ahead and put it in for McCain and you will get a whopping 7,740 matches. Even the siren who woos people with false promises and political manipulation the likes of which hadn't been seen out side of her husband, and now far surpassed by Hoos, only had 32,000 matches. A little side note, it seems a lot like Dems really enjoy accusing people and wallowing in how unfair the world is. Makes sense why they have the backers that they do.

On to what Hoos actually believes.

Here is an example of how truly little he knows about the world. Iran and N. Korea are apparently not threats:

And for a bit lest go to Hoos' website under the "Issues" tab.
In homeland security he talks about evacuating special needs people in the case of an attack... aaaaand... he talks about improving security around water facilities. Perhaps some more cameras will help. Aaaaand he talks about tracking spent nuclear fuel. Aaaaaand that's about it. No mention of perhaps taking out terrorists before they actually do anything, no talk of dealing with countries that fund terrorism. But I tell ya what when we get bombed again the rescue vehicles will have a wheel chair ramp.

Hoos' plan on immigration
So here he wants to add more people to the border which doesn't really help when they border patrol is too scared to do anything because the drug runners out gun them and are willing to use the guns, and ummmm, let's see, give lots of money to Mexico to make life less shitty there. Hmm, oh, crack down on employers who hire illegals, which will last until Wal-Mart and all the other huge conglomerates give him a call on the Bat-Phone and say "yeah if you like your job you need to knock that shit off."

Pay for "every ton of emissions" which we can go ahead and equate to huge price increases on pretty much everything. He wants to give tax payer money to farmers who plant trees. Very nice. Umm, 15 billion a year for 10 years for clean energy type stuff, to include bio-fuels, which, my most green of green friends said is an absolute tub of shit. Double government spending of R&D for renewable resources. See also "raise taxes". Seems to me that the private sector is best suited for that. I have a friend who works at a solar panel plant and you would be shocked at the stuff they have going. He wants to "convert our manufacturing centers into clean technology leaders" Require 25% clean energy by 2025 (please see gargantuan government) yadda yadda, it goes on.

Here is one of my favorites.
"End discrimination and promote equal opportunity." End discrimination? Is that all? And how exactly do... oh never mind.
"Obama will immediately begin to withdraw our troops from Iraq." yeah, umm, that's a really bad idea. Trust me on that one. Read the rest. It's all pretty retarded and won't work.

His whole site is full of stuff that really doesn't say much about how he plans on doing anything. He has an outline but that's about it.

The only good thing about this whole bit is that the Clintons are done in politics. Their "good friends" abandoned them like rats off a sinking ship. Michael Moore, Famed Haliburton investor, calls Hillary "down right disgusting" now where as he and Bill used to chase tail together.

And of course the black community who so loved Billy and and dubbed him the "first black president", after all, he did play sax on the Arsenio Hall Show, have taken his brother status away and have actually called the honkies from Arkansas racist. Who would have thunk it?

Anyway, running out of time so let me sum up. He wants dialog with N. Korea and Iran as if he will somehow make them see the error of their ways. He wants to raise taxes, increase the size of our government, and weaken our military, both by finances and tactics, to the point of uselessness. Not once has he actually laid out a plan as to how he plans to actually do this stuff. My guess is because they pretty much all involve raising taxes.

I will leave you with a nice little quote from Hoos yesterday.
"We can't drive our SUVs,and you know, eat as much as we want, and keep our homes on, ya know, 72 degrees at all times, whether we're living in the desert or living in the tundra, and then just expect that every other country is just gonna say OK."

Since when do Cambodians and French people determine what I drive, eat, or keep my home at? Then, by the way, his three SUV motorcade took him off to his next appointment. Will he demand to be driven around in a Prius? This is akin to Al Gore talking about wasteful emissions then taking off in his private jet. It's all a joke people. He's a snake oil salesman who is playing with our money, security, and lives. There will be celebrations in Tehran and Damascus if he wins. That's not a good thing in case you were wondering. At least Hillary knows what is out there. I truly can't find one good thing to say about him. Sorry Yah, I tried.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Truggers are screwing us

I hate hippies. There... I said it. These damned tree hugger (truggers) have gotten us, America, in such bad shape that we actually IMPORT wheat. Wheat... America now imports wheat. While we once grew enough wheat to feed the world, we now have to import it because we are now growing corn for ethanol, one of the biggest shams of all time.

In 2005 our president and our congress decided to mandate an increase of production of Ethanol from 4 billion gallons a year to 7.5 billion gallons which means that we will have to hijack even more farm land to grow corn or other Ethanol crops. Combine that with the fact that it isn't even proven that Ethanol is actually more energy efficient due to the high energy costs it takes to make it, we have to wonder what in the hell is going through the little green minds of those in charge. Please note the high tariff on any that is imported, just to make sure we have to make it here.

Now, for those of you (Peter) who don't believe in my conspiracy type ideas that most everything that happens is all a play by those who pull the strings, ask yourself why a president who is the bane of the existence (in theory) of everything environmental, would push so hard for this? Keep in mind that ADM (Arthur, Daniels, Midland) "The supermarket to the world" is running this little game of charades. One of the biggest underwriters of NPR, who hates the pres, is working hand in hand with both Reps and Dems to be green. Bush, Romney, McCain, Obama, Clinton, Edwards, all back it but they can't come up with any proof of the claims Ethanol makes. What can I say? It brings in the votes from the same people that mindlessly watch the evening news, believe what they see, and consider themselves informed. If ADM couldn't make more money with Ethanol, would they do it? Of course not.

The following link brings up a good point: If Ethanol is so great why does it need so many government subsidies and a stiff arm from all the political high-ups to force people to grow crops for it? If it really worked wouldn't the market naturally gravitate towards it? By the way, more crops growing means more water, land, and fertilizer is spent on them.

Now you have all read, I hope, my blogs on environmentalism in the past and you know I think it is nothing but a way to get money from people with soft hearts. It would seem that in this case this Ethanol stuff is a way to get tax dollars stuffed into the pockets of those producing it without the nasty little thorn in the side of a free market economy or, in fact, even having a product that works.

Another nice little side effect of the Ethanol craze is increased corn prices and hunger in places like Mexico where corn is their main staple. Increased corn prices pretty much increases the price on anything associated with corn, from milk to Pepsi. The CNN article that follows admits to all this but says we shouldn't worry. After all, it will calm down in the future. With government mandated increases for ethanol the only way to lower corn prices would be to increase the supply which would, if I'm not mistaking, would require growing more corn and less other stuff. No matter what we do prices will go up across the board. It's pure supply and demand.

And finally, guess how Ethanol is transported... By truck. And my guess is that that truck burns dinosaur bones, not corn. So I wonder what the "carbon footprint" is for
a gallon of Ethanol between the immense amount of energy it takes to make it and the incredible energy cost of transportation.

So what do I say to the truggers who buy into this? Shame on you. Do some homework. What do I say to the Ethanol CEOs who I'm sure don't really give a shit about the environment? Good on ya. You have a great scam going and if I could have gotten in on it I most certainly would have.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Your parents hate each other

Yup, I said it... Your parents hate each other. Don't deny it. You know it's true. If not hate, then at least can't stand. It was just today that I came to the following realization:
I know zero happily married couples. None, nada, zilch.

My favorite line of all unhappily married couples is "No marriage is perfect but ours is pretty good." Bull shit. That's like telling me getting kicked in the balls is never great but if you do it this way it isn't so bad.
I wish I could read minds. Not only would I make a killing at the poker tables but I would love to see all the nasty little secrets all the marriages have around me. I live in Ward and June Cleaver-Ville where everybody (except me) has 2.5 kids, a dog, and a beige house. Well, the beige house I have but not the kids or the dog, and everybody puts on this great facade but then forget that our houses are only millimeters apart and everyone can hear when they fight about him going out drinking with his buddies (which I whole heartedly support) and her banging the tennis pro. What in the hell is the point?
What are they trying to prove here?
We all know that marriage ends up with everybody involved miserable yet we always think we will be the ones to break the cycle. Are we that retarded. Thankfully I have never been sucked into the black hole of eternal monogamy, though it was a close call, and even though I always wanted a wife and 2.5 kids, recently I've really begun to question that. Think about it this way:

Scenario one is that you get married, you have kids (optional), get divorced, die

Scenario two is you get married, have kids (once again optional) stay married and be miserable, die.

Scenario three, the "best case scenario" get married, kids yadda yadda yadda, you live happily ever after, watch the love of your life die (or visa versa).

Or scenario four, stay single, fuck like a bunny, drink with your buddies, pray to God in heaven you don't add any more kids to this already overpopulated and pussified world, die happily, being shot to death at the age of 102 by a jealous husband.

I'll take scenario four thank you very much. I just don't think it's worth it anymore. Not that I can see anyway. To all of my married friends... best of luck on your journey, you'll need it. And don't raise you kids to be pussies or ass holes or I will be royally pissed. To all my buddies so wrapped up in vagina they have to sit down to piss, and plan on getting married, good luck to you too. I'm sure you will be the one to break the cycle and show the rest of us how the marriage game is played.
And oh yeah, if any of you can refute this, and say that marriage is a great thing and that it works, please, by all means try. But I will defend it with all the knowledge I have of your mom in the donkey show in Tijuana and your dad's cub scout fetish. Bring it on, Mr. Cleaver.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Holy Catholic Church and Self Love

OK people. Most of you know me and know that I am a student of religion. I study as much as I can about as many religions as I can in order to understand the whole deal better.
Now, that being said, I have hit upon some hard times lately and I don't have cable. In fact I have rabbit ears, which many of you born in the late '80's would have no idea about. Anyway, I only get a like 7 stations and one of those is EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) a product of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
To give you some back ground, I was born and raised Catholic. I went to Catholic school from 6th to 8th grade and, for the most part, I love the Church for it's history, tradition, and pageantry. Yes I know that it is propagating a fallacy, but you know what, that's OK by me. Most people blow them off when they get really out of line.
Anyway, I was watching this priest tonight who sounded a lot like Sean Connery. This guy went through the ten commandments (fifteen commandments if you have seen History of the World) and sure enough he got to the 6th commandment... Thou shall not commit adultery. And in true off the wall fashion, he included "impure thoughts" masturbation, and of course pre-marital sex as adultery. Guilty, guilty, and guilty. Now, my flock, these are "MORTAL SINS" which pretty much means if you ever saw a hot chick and said "Wow she's hot." or ever beat you meat, or ever shtoinked some chica you are pretty much going to hell unless you go and tell some 40year old virgin about it, ask for forgiveness, and say 30 Hail Mary's.
I can't even imagine that this ideology is still around. I mean, how ridiculous. To think that a natural human characteristic is a sin is baffling to me. This is the kind of shit that pisses me off. Granted, Catholics never tried to blow me up with an IED but this is still some shit I don't need. I've done enough bad stuff in my life (thank you Kirk and 7-11) that I don't need some jerk telling me I'm going to hell for slapping my salami.
I thought this shit was over, man. But to give the audience credit, when this priest was going off about this, they were pretty much frozen in their seats, not knowing how to react to such nonsense. Yet the "beat" goes on. And I assure you, having once gone over 30 days without any... outlet, for my sinful ways, you don't want a world full of pissed off and horny guys roaming the streets, 'cuz somebody is getting their ass kicked... people get shot like that. Am I off on this or what?

The Hollow Man

Proudly defiling himself since 1989

Friday, February 1, 2008

Two in the pink...

Well I have said it before and I will say it again, America is slowly but surely making our way towards oblivion. I have spoken about illegals, terrorists and Islamists and it always seems to fall on deaf ears. People blow me off when I say that I'm not convinced about global warming, they brush me off when I say our legal system is self destructing and they don't believe me when I say there are, no matter how loving and caring you are, there are some people in this world that would just as soon kill you as have dialog with you, even if you are out there supporting their "cause". Please see the Christian peace activists who went to Iraq when I was there who were subsequently captured and either tortured and held captive or tortured and found face down in the Tigris . By the terrorists, not by us thank you very much.

I recently heard of a group that for some reason has flown under my radar as of late. Shame on me for not paying more attention but now that they are in my sights I will be sure to keep up on them. Code Pink is the name of the grou. This group actually gets city funding and spends their time protesting and defacing Marine recruitment centers and the other morning on Fox News said they advocate the assassination of US Marines on sight. On their website Code Pink says "We reject the Bush administration's fear-based politics that justify violence, and instead call for policies based on compassion, kindness and a commitment to international law. With an emphasis on joy and humor, CODEPINK women and men seek to activate, amplify and inspire a community of peacemakers through creative campaigns and a commitment to non-violence"

With an emphasis on joy and humor... I have no words. International relations with an emphasis on joy and humor. They say the Bush administration has fear based politics and let me tell you, if they had seen some of the things I and others who have served have seen, they would be hiding in a closet in the fetal position rocking back and forth saying "There's no place like home. There's no place like home." They don't know what fear is. They don't know what is out there. In fact they are so insane, they actually protested in front of Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco home because the blood of innocents were on her hands and it was "her war". My God... Pelosi just said "You're not my constituents." and walked on. When Nancy Pelosi denounces you for being a Liberal douche you have to be in another realm of being.

The Berkeley City Council this week voted to tell the Marines their downtown recruiting station is not welcome and "if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome guests," according to The Associated Press.

Are they retarded? Since when does some backwards city council have the right to tell a branch of the federal government they are not welcomed? If indeed they are not welcome then no federal money should be welcomed and to that end, no state funding either since the state also gets federal funding.

I actually find it humorous that this group of insane women (more insane than the rest of them anyway) doesn't support us going over there to help these people out. Let me tell you a little bit about how women are treated in Iraq. In 130 plus degree heat, you will find a man driving a pickup truck with his 5 and 10 year old sons (and oddly enough a dog once), comfortably in the cab with the AC on and his wife, three daughters, and a grandma in a black, head-to-toe burka, in the bed of the truck, bouncing along a bumpy dirt canal road. When I was in the Kuwaiti airport the women, with eyes only exposed, with all seven kids in tow, walked 5 steps behind the men. Women are in fact possessions over there and I would truly enjoy seeing the Code Pink chicks become the property of men. Hell I would have three or four just to do it. I might even convert just so I could.

And now we find out Al Qaida has been using retarded women as suicide bombers (well, more retarded than the rest of them anyway). And I'm not using the word retarded off the cuff, I mean they are literally using women that are mentally retarded as "suicide bombers." "There has to be a limit to the depravity!" You say. NO! you soft, lazy, egocentric American! There isn't! This is even worse then when we saw "suicide bombers" handcuffed to steering wheels, just to find out their families were being held until after they detonated the car bombs. You have no idea what is out there. And as soon as we all recognize the fact that we cannot deal with these people as humans, the sooner we can be safe and get our guys out of there.

At least out of the Democrats Hillary understands what is out there. She may spout bull-shit to appease the Boulder types but when push comes to shove she knows. Obama just frightens me.

So, Code Pink, you call Bush and Rice "war criminals", I say take your plight to Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm sure you will find many sympathetic ears there. Hell I'll even pitch in for your airfare.