Friday, March 6, 2009

Things that make you go Hmmmm.

It's been a while, mainly because things are so horrendous now and people are in such denial that I wouldn't even know where to begin. But something happened not too long ago that I feel I must mention. I hadn't heard anybody bring this up until I actually went looking for it so please don't think this is something I am just falling in line with.

I am perplexed at the destruction of the CO2 monitoring satellite Feb 24 2009. I did some checking and found very few instances of failures to launch by the major space nations. I found an Echostar satellite that failed in Mar of '08 and two European sea launched (yes, sea launched) satellites that were NOGOs in Jan of '07 and Mar '00. Bringing the sum total of satellites lost that I could find to three. And, I might add, that the two European ones were launched from converted Norwegian oil drilling rigs and the Echostar launch was from Kazakhstan. Now I'm not saying that the Norwegians and Kazakhstanies aren't some of the foremost thinkers in the world of space exploration, and I have complete confidence in their abilities, but this very important CO2 monitor took off from an Air Force base in California. A place, that I can only surmise, has a pretty good idea of what they are doing.

So "What are you getting at?" you may ask. The answer is, I don't know. It just seems odd to me that the only satellite launch failure I can find in recent American history happened to carry the only proof as to whether or not the religion of environmentalism is telling the truth. You all know I think it's bullshit and this would have proven me wrong once and for all. I actually wish that launch had been successful. But now they are saying we will have to wait another ten years (and four Al Gore books) to get our answers.

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